Sunday, October 16, 2011


This is one that many people are familiar with but I think it is a good one to post here because the children enjoy it so much. is a site that you can create sleek presentations on and is very user friendly.  It is like an updated PowerPoint, but with no slides.  Everything is created on a blank canvas.  This week I had students create a Prezi about the prefix "re".  They would write sentences and one of the words must use the prefix "re". Example: I had to redo my homework.

From there students selected pictures (built into prezi) that matched their sentences and created an entire presentation on this concept.  The students really enjoy this site.  I found that over the weekend I had students continue working on their presentation (not a requirement).  Give this website a look if you haven't done so in the past.


  1. I have heard about this site before, but I haven't ever used it. I really like the example you used with your students. What a great way to engage students with a fun lesson, while expecting them to write sentences using the prefix "re". I definitely want to learn more about this site and use it for one of my writing lessons in the near future. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this site! We have used it often in previous courses. I love your lesson on prefixes and incorporating Prezi. Teaching concepts like prefixes and suffixes is so crucial, but at times it can be SO boring--for teacher and students! I love the fact that you took a dull teaching topic and turned it into something exciting and creative! I can think of some of the teachers that I work with that just do oral lessons or prefixes and suffixes and then a worksheet to assess--your lesson is MUCH better! I am definitely going to share it with my inclusion teachers when we get to these topics.

    Also, about Dragon Dictation, if you want to insert punctuation, all you do is say 'period', 'exclamation mark', or 'question mark'. Try it's pretty cool! I have 2 students with Dysgraphia and we use the free speech to text feature through Microsoft is pretty good, you just have to train the computer to recognize your/ or the student's voice. It works pretty well for being free though!
