Thursday, October 6, 2011

Live Scribe

I have been experimenting with a pen called Live Scribe.  It is an electronic pen in which you press buttons on the paper with the pen (record, stop, pause, etc...) and you write with the pen (that has ink) on the paper while talking.  It records your voice while recording your writing into the pen.  I am then able to upload the writing and voice on the computer in an audio pdf file and put these on my website.
The first one I did a mini lesson on rounding and using the "Rounding Rollercoaster" so parents knew the lingo I was using for this concept.
More recently I have had students write and record reviews of lessons that we have had in class and uploaded those to my website.  Parents are able to hear the lesson from their own children in their own words to get a better understanding of seeing what the children learn during school.  It has been fun and students are excited to write with it.
This item was donated to my class by a parent.


  1. That is awesome that a parent donated it to your class! These are really cool. You may know already but there are websites that let you print out pages with the dots on them and they actually work. That saves you from having to buy the pages. Really cool. I havea friend that uses his to takes notes on presentations so he can go back and review them later.

  2. This tool sounds amazing! I was reading how you have been incorporating it into classroom instruction, I was thinking of several ways my students with poor writing skills could use it. I am definitely going to have to check this out. Is it expensive?

  3. I have heard of these, but have never actually seen one in use. Thats great that you have supportive parents. Good luck and let us know if you continue to use it.

  4. It has been fun to use so far. One of the parents in my class actually works for them and gave me a bunch of the paper pads and two pens actually to use. I believe they can cost anywhere around $200.

  5. Wow! How great that a parent donated the pens and the paper pads for you to use in your classroom. I have heard of these, but I haven't ever seen or used one myself. Seems like all the fun technology gadgets can be expensive to buy. Have fun using it!
