Monday, September 26, 2011

Have you ever been to  It is a great website that has many free offerings for teachers and students.  This last week we (the class) worked on a section called "spell a picture".  It is fairly fun but mostly recommended for K-3 (3rd grade is even cutting it close).  The students get the alphabet in front of them and a scene that they chose.  Then they can spell site words and the image will come up on the screen for them to put onto their scene.  For example-if they spelled rabbit correctly, a rabbit would appear and they can put that in their scene.  They can also add actions as well (if you type snow, it will begin to snow).  A fun activity for the kids to work on.

Next time we go to this site we will begin create a movie section where students can actually create scenes with dialogue and moving characters.  More on this next time we go to this site.  Hope you enjoy.


  1. This site sounds amazing! I cannot wait to add it to my Diigo educational links. Many of my students struggle with spelling. This tool will help my students gain a better understanding of spelling with sight words. Plus they will be motivated to get the right answer so they can create a setting for the word they spelled. Thanks for sharing this resource, it really seems great!

  2. I went to a TIE (Technology in Education) conference two years ago at Copper Mountain, Colorado and found out about Kerpoof. I really like this website. Currently, my students are working on a writing activity using Kerpoof. The students stay more focused and engaged too.
