Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weebly (the next step after kidblog)
The blogging in class is just the beginning for my students.  My ultimate goal is to get the students creating a website that can incorporate their blog.  I am planning on using Weebly.  I have used it for another class and I really liked how easy it was for the students to work with it. It was also free (can't beat that).  I could also use Google Sites and I am heavily weighing that option, but I am still leaning towards Weebly because I find it more kid friendly.
If you have ever used another site and have any recommendations I would love to hear them.  If you check out Weebly after this post and have any opinions that would be great as well to hear.  Hopefully you check it out.


  1. Robert,
    I think this is a great idea to build a class website with your students. I have never heard of Weebly before reading your post. I checked out the site and it looks very user-friendly. I like how their is a specific tab unique to education. Please keep me updated on how using this site goes for your students.

  2. I like the idea of building a class website with your students. Like Lindsey, I've never heard of Weebly before either, until reading your posts. I checked it out and can see where it is definitely kid-friendly. Thanks for sharing such great sites, Robert. How do you find out about them? I've been in the Lesley program for 19 months and haven't heard about any of the sites you've mentioned on your blog.

  3. Weebly I heard from the teacher next door to me. Every once in a while we just stumble across something that is pretty cool. I think it is more kid friendly that Google Sites so I will probably continue with it.
