Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Destiny Quest-a digital library resource

The first piece of information I am going to implement with my classroom this year is the use of Destiny Quest.  Destiny Quest is a digital library resource in which students can put books on hold, look up books at our school library, and comment and rate books.  They can also create a friends page in which they can "friend" other students at the school and share book choices with one another.  I like this as a starter to the year because it is a simple way for me to teach netiquette to the classroom and how to create a powerful posts about books.  It is a safe environment and both myself and the librarian see all posts to make sure posts are within the rules.  I believe this is a district wide used website. Here is a link if you are interested in seeing what it looks like:


  1. What an excellent way to foster reading and netiquette skills. Do you have any students with special needs? I checked out the link that you posted and this program looks as if it would be great for all students regardless of their reading level since they can tailor their own page as they wish. Thanks for sharing this Web 2.0 tool...oh does it cost money or is it free? I know you mentioned your district has it so I am assuming it costs money. Have a great Friday :)


  2. This looks like a great site to encourage reading with your students. I like the fact that they can share their favorite books and see what other students are reading. I have the same question as Lindsey regarding the cost of this tool. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Good job Robert. It sounds like you and your students are going to have a lot of fun learning and discovering new and exciting things.

  4. What a great idea for a post! I like the way you are encouraging students to read as well as teaching them the importance of netiquette skills. It will provide a great opportunity for them to share books they really like with their friends. The children know they are being monitored by both you and the librarian, so they learn the importance of commenting and sharing their ideas in a respectful manner. Thanks for sharing this link.
